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WHY Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers?

Relationship between Yoga & Ayurveda

The purpose of Ayurveda is AROGYA – absence of disease
“Arogya is attained when the doshas (bio-forces), agnis (digestive/metabolic fires), dhatus (tissues) and malas (wastes) are functioning well in a balanced state, and the soul, mind and senses are content.”

SVASTHA –  the Sanskrit word for Health. 
Also means: “to be established in the self/Self”

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Purpose of Ayurveda

One purpose of Ayurveda is arogyaabsence of disease
“Arogya is attained when the doshas (bio-forces), agnis (digestive/metabolic fires), dhatus (tissues) and malas (wastes) are functioning well in a balanced state, and the soul, mind and senses are content.”

One purpose of Ayurveda is svastha  –  the Sanskrit word for Health, also: “to be established in the self/Self”

The main purpose of Ayurveda is to align with Nature’s ways to protect the dynamic homeostasis of the whole person in relationship to his/her/their natural habitat, maintain balance and promote longevity–restoring balance as needed–so a person may function well to serve their dharma, reach their aims and fulfill their potential for their own satisfaction and the good of society.

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Niika’s favorite purpose of Ayurveda is as a Language of Life –that can brings us into closer, more intimate relationship with Nature, inspire us to sharpen our perception of Nature’s qualities and forces, expand our awareness of dynamic changes in the people, days, seasons and places we know and love, and refine how we make choices to bring healing, learning, enjoyment, satisfaction and life-sustaining outcomes as we interact with all levels of living systems, all the time.

Three Vedic Sister Sciences

One purpose of Ayurveda is arogyaabsence of disease
“Arogya is attained when the doshas (bio-forces), agnis (digestive/metabolic fires), dhatus (tissues) and malas (wastes) are functioning well in a balanced state, and the soul, mind and senses are content.”

One purpose of Ayurveda is svastha  –  the Sanskrit word for Health, also: “to be established in the self/Self”

The main purpose of Ayurveda is to align with Nature’s ways to protect the dynamic homeostasis of the whole person in relationship to his/her/their natural habitat, maintain balance and promote longevity–restoring balance as needed–so a person may function well to serve their dharma, reach their aims and fulfill their potential for their own satisfaction and the good of society.

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Niika’s favorite purpose of Ayurveda is as a Language of Life –that can brings us into closer, more intimate relationship with Nature, inspire us to sharpen our perception of Nature’s qualities and forces, expand our awareness of dynamic changes in the people, days, seasons and places we know and love, and refine how we make choices to bring healing, learning, enjoyment, satisfaction and life-sustaining outcomes as we interact with all levels of living systems, all the time.

SHARE Your Thoughts

As you engage in this program, you mind find yourself having head-scratching moments on occasion.

If you have a question, please WRITE it down.
ASK YOURSELF these questions before you request an answer:
1. If I get a bit quiet, sleep on it or take a walk and let my mind settle, do I find I ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER?

2. Do I need to know the answer now, or can I HOLD the QUESTION OPEN for a while?
(Time can unfurl fuzziness and bring clearer insight than “an answer” often can.)

3. CAN I EXPERIMENT IN REAL LIFE in some way to get more information?
(Life is your Laboratory. What a great resource! Use it whenever you want…)

If you’ve given these 3 approaches to getting your answer a try, and still want to ask Niika a question, you’re more than welcome!